Thursday, 4 September 2014

and she's back........ Life and pregnancy update for weeks 29 and 30 xx

Sooooooooooooo.... (Cue voice of YouTube star Maxim Bady)

Sorry I've been pretty absent for the last two weeks, no preggo updates, no craft posts or books or even just a life update!

In truth, pregnancy leaves me feeling SO exhausted all the time I feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to post long tutorials or updates - I'm still actually doing the odd craft project and cracking on with each week of this wild ride of growing my own little human! It just seems the blogging part gets forgotten between my infrequent bursts of energy and frequent naps/eating schedule!

But this little online diary of mine is a work in progress and a learning curve all at once. I am learning to be grateful for the good in life rather than over worry about the bad and so, rather than worry endlessly about what to say - just saying something is surely better than silence... (And if that fails a few pretty pics help too!!)

I'm actually now sitting happily at 31+2 weeks pregnant & little Molly is doing great, our week 31 antenatal apt was a success and she has such a solid strong healthy heartbeat and I feel her wriggling around all the time :) 

Since hitting 30 weeks + it now feels like a count down to how long is left rather than counting up how far along I am!

It's all becoming very real, and so preparation for labour has begun with us joining a local NCT group and so far we've been to two sessions. I think I'll do a separate post on this as there's quite a lot of opinion out there regarding the "NCT class system" and their actual usefulness... I'm still fairly new into this so will prob have one more session(3 out of the 6 paid for) before I review how I'm finding it all!

Here's me at 29 weeks:

And here's me at 30 weeks:

New symptoms I've been contending with over the last 2 weeks include a reappearance of the pregnancy nausea I suffered with for 17 weeks but thankfully not as bad as back then! 

Some pretty teeth grinding pain in the pelvic region with bone clicks and aches to boot! 

Walking isn't very fun these days as I assume baby's head must be lodged right in there against my bladder! 

Mood wise I've been pretty good, no teary episodes unless I'm watching that bloody pets at home advert! Been more anxious this week about how we will cope with the change in money with me being off and the added expensive of Golly miss Molly, but really when it comes down to it me and my other half are quite sensible and I'm sure we will adjust to the new budget, with a little excessive planning from myself and lots of calming talks from the mr! 

Anywhoooo I've rattled on quite a bit there, promise to not leave it so long before week 31 is updated :)

L xxx

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